═══ 1. DH-Grep-PM ═══ General information about DH-Grep-PM Grep stands for "Get Regular Expression and Print" and is a text searching tool that was first developed for unix systems and has been ported to most operating systems. This PM version of grep is designed as a user friendly application. It is designed for a multitasking environment and the search takes place on a separate thread to minimize the time that the wait icon is displayed. It will also run in a low priority idle mode to further reduce the impact the search has on the other active programs. The often cryptic command line options have been replaced with easy to use selections on the OS/2 menu bar. The output of the search is sent to a PM window and the user has easy access to all of the information that was found by the program. To reduce the overhead, the results are buffered until the search is completed and then written to the results window. To indicate that the search is still active, the small icon at the left of the title bar will change color as an activity indicator. The color change depends on the search results, so it does not change at a fixed rate. This program can search binary files as well as text files, but it still tries to read "lines" from the binary file. The program reads from the file until a new-line character is found or 4096 characters have been read. This means that some of the "lines" will contain null characters. The C/C++ string handling functions all use a null character as a string terminator and the "line" will be truncated at the first null character by those functions. This means that the program may miss finding the search pattern in a binary file, and other methods should be used for searching in binary files. This version of grep does not support the full set of "regular expressions" that most of the command line versions of grep support. It does support two wild-card characters. The '*' character represents multiple characters and the character '?' represents one character. Thus a search pattern of "h*e" would match both "house" and "horse". A search pattern of "ho?se" would also match both words. ═══ 1.1. Binary Files ═══ This program can search binary files as well as text files, but it still tries to read "lines" from the binary file. The program reads from the file until a new-line character is found or 4096 characters have been read. This means that some of the "lines" will contain null characters. The C/C++ string handling functions all use a null character as a string terminator and the "line" will be truncated at the first null character by those functions. This means that the program may miss finding the search pattern in a binary file, and other methods should be used for searching in binary files. ═══ 1.2. Regular Expressions ═══ This version of grep does not support the full set of "regular expressions" that most of the command line versions of grep support. It does support two wild-card characters. The '*' character represents multiple characters and the character '?' represents one character. Thus a search pattern of "h*e" would match both "house" and "horse". A search pattern of "ho?se" would also match both words. ═══ 1.3. File ═══ This menu selection opens a pull-down menu that contains selections to save, reload, or print the results of the search. The external editor is also on this menu. ═══ 1.3.1. Save As ═══ The Save As selection opens a file dialog box that allows the user to enter a file name to use for saving the search results. If the user enters the name of an existing file, the utility will warn the user and ask for verification before writing the file. ═══ 1.3.2. Load File ═══ The Load File selection opens a file dialog box that allows the user to select a file to load into the results window. ═══ 1.3.3. Print On Default Printer ═══ The Print On Default Printer selection sends the contents of the results window to the default system printer. This is a raw dump of the results window to the default system printer and no attempt to format the text. ═══ 1.3.4. Load Marked File In External Editor ═══ To use the external editor option, you must create a CMD file named EDIT_CMD.CMD that calls the editor you wish to use. A minimal CMD file to use the OS/2 system editor E would contain the following line. e %1 The CMD file should be located in the working directory. To use the external editor, the cursor must be on a line that contains the name of a file that was found during the search. After the cursor is on the line, either an ALT+W key press or a Right Mouse Button double click will launch the CMD file. The cusror can be moved to a specific line by a Left Mouse Button click. Note: The RMB double click will not move the cursor to the desired line. ═══ 1.4. Display ═══ This menu selection opens a pull-down menu that contains selections that affect how the results are displayed after the search has been completed. ═══ 1.4.1. Font ═══ The Font selection opens a standard OS/2 Font dialog box that lets the user select a new font or change the font size for the displayed results. ═══ 1.4.2. Word Wrap ═══ The Word Wrap selection enables or disables the word wrap feature of the results window. Note: The Word Wrap is a software word wrap and it does not insert hard carriage return - line feed pairs. ═══ 1.4.3. Do not clear past results ═══ This selection disables the clearing of the results window when a new search is started. It is useful if the user wishes to save the search results from several related searches. ═══ 1.4.4. Reset to default colors ═══ The results window will only accept primary colors for the background color, but the default color of the results window on my PC is a manila folder yellow. I prefer that color, so I added this option to be able to reset the background color. Note: The background and foreground colors of the results window may be set via drag and drop from the OS/2 Color Palette. The other colors may also be changed, but only the background and foreground colors of the results window are saved. ═══ 1.4.5. Get file names in display ═══ This selection will cause the program to scan all of the results text and extract the file names and insert them at the top of the results window. This provides the user with a list of file names that can be imported into another document or used by another program. ═══ 1.4.6. Edit ═══ The results window is an MLE (MultiLine Editor) window and it has the basic OS/2 editor functions. This selection brings up a submenu with the available edit functions. ═══ 1.5. Configure Search ═══ This menu selection opens a pull-down menu that contains selections to configure the search and the search parameters. ═══ 1.5.1. Case Sensitive Search ═══ When this option is checked, the search is case sensitive. The default is to ignore case in the search pattern. ═══ 1.5.2. Set absolute flag ═══ When this option is checked, the search pattern is absolute. The two wild-card characters are treated as characters and not wild-cards. Regular Expressions ═══ 1.5.3. Search Subdirectories ═══ When this option is checked, the program starts the search in the specified directory and searches in all subdirectories (recursively) for files that match the file mask. The default is to not search in subdirectories. ═══ 1.5.4. Set NOT Flag ═══ When this option is checked, the search results will contain all the lines that do not contain the search pattern. This means that all of the lines in a file that does not contain the search pattern would be displayed in the results window. ═══ 1.5.5. Set NAME Flag ═══ When this option is checked, only the names of files that contain the search pattern are displayed in the results window. ═══ 1.5.6. Show Line Numbers ═══ When this option is checked, line numbers are included in the results window. This makes it easier to find the search pattern when the file is loaded into an editor. ═══ 1.5.7. Use idle time priority for search thread ═══ When this option is checked, the priority of the thread that does the searching is reduced to the lowest priority. This priority only gets processing time when there is no other work to do. This option allows the user to do a search in the background without a significant impact on the other active tasks. ═══ 1.5.8. Files newer than Age Mask ═══ When this option is checked, only files with dates newer or equal to the Age Mask value will be evaluated. File Age ═══ 1.5.9. Files older than Age Mask ═══ When this option is checked, only files with dates older than the Age Mask value will be evaluated. *p. File Age ═══ 1.5.10. Skip known binary files ═══ When this option is checked, the utility will skip the following known binary file types by looking at the file extent. .exe, .dll, .lib, .ico, .gif, .jpg .zip, .inf, .hlp, .obj, .com, .res This utility will try to search for the search pattern in any file. If you know the extent of the files you wish to search, you should use that extent in the file mask to reduce the number of files that are searched. If you are not sure of the file extent and you know that you do not need to search any binary files, then this option should be selected. Binary Files ═══ 1.5.11. Search for files only, no pattern search ═══ When this option is checked, the utility will just search for files that match the file mask and the other search parameters. The contents of the file will not be checked. ═══ 1.5.12. Enter Search Parameters ═══ This selection opens a dialog box that has 4 entry fields. Search Path File Mask Search Pattern File Age All the fields except 'File Age' must be filled in or the search cannot be started. The 'Search Path' is checked to see if a valid path has been entered when the user clicks on the 'Ok' or 'Start' buttons. ═══ Search Path ═══ The search path consists of the Drive letter and the path without the file name. For Example: C:\OS2\APPS\ The ending '\' is not required ═══ Browse ═══ The Browse button opens a File Dialog box that will allow the user to select a search path. This is a standard File Dialog box, but the file name information is not used. The file name listbox portion of the File Dialog box is still useful to determine if you have the correct directory. Note: Even though the file name is not used, there must be a valid OS/2 file name in the file name entry field. ═══ File Mask ═══ The file mask consists of the file name without any path information. Wild cards are allowed. ═══ Search Pattern ═══ The search pattern can contain up to 512 characters. The use of the wild-card characters depends on the setting of the Set absolute flag ═══ File Age ═══ The File Age entry is used when one of the age limit options is used. The number can be in the range 0 to 999 days. The lower range of zero is used to indicate today when the 'newer than' search option is checked. Files newer than Age Mask Files older than Age Mask ═══ 1.5.13. Save option settings in program INI file ═══ When option is selected, the current configuration information, the size and location of the application window, the background and foreground colors, the current font and font size are saved in the file named DHGREPPM.INI. ═══ 1.6. Start ═══ This selection on the menu bar is used to start the search. The selection is inactive until the search parameters have been entered and while the search is in progress. The 'Start' button on the 'Enter Search Parameters' dialog box performs the same action as the selection on the menu bar. * ═══ 1.7. Stop ═══ This selection on the menu bar is used to stop the search. The selection is inactive until the search is in progress and becomes inactive when the search has been completed or stopped. A dialog box is displayed when 'Stop' is selected and the user is asked to verify that he wants to stop the search. *